Thursday, May 06, 2021

Today Is The Event, Register! – Conversation on Critical Race Theory

From Latinos For Tennessee: For years progressives have been cementing critical race theory – the idea that America is racist and irredeemable – in college campuses, Hollywood and schools in the East and West Coast. 
Now critical race theory has arrived in Tennessee! 

Latinos for Tennessee has assembled an impressive list of speakers, including: 
  • Robby Starbuck – an award-winning director, producer and editor. Robby is also Cuban American and an advocate for life, liberty and human rights. 
  • Justice Enlow – Miss Tennessee 2020, activist. 
  • Rev. C.L. Bryant – minister and former radio host. 
  • Dr. Ming Wang – award-winning optometrist surgeon, author and refugee from communist China. 
  • Danny Vargas, CEO of VARCom Solutions and nationally recognized Latino commentator and political analyst. 

“Freedom is never one generation away from extinction” – Ronald Reagan. 

 In Liberty, 
 Raúl López

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