Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Comment from Mayor John Cooper on Passage of FY2021-22 Metro Budget by Council

Metro Press release, 6/16/2021 - “After a year of crisis, Nashville is finally entering an era of

investment,” said Mayor John Cooper. “And with this budget, we’re laying the foundation to build a city that truly works for everyone with historic investments in our schools, transportation, community safety, and affordable housing.

 “We’re making these essential investments with a tax rate that is more than a dollar less than our average rate over the past quarter century – the third lowest in Metro history. I’m grateful to the Metro Council for working with us to fix and protect our finances, which has made this year’s investment budget possible. Today, there’s no city in America better positioned for the years ahead than Nashville.”

Rod's Comment: Mayor Cooper continues to use the argument that our taxes are low because we have a modest tax rated.  Looking at the tax rate is only half of an equation.  One can have high taxes and a low tax rate. Home prices have soared in Nashville. 

For details on the current Metro budget see this link: Citizens' Guide to the Metro Budget

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