Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Tennessee receives grade of A- in both history and civics

by David Plazas, The Tennessean, June, 27, 2021- The Thomas B. Fordham Institute assessed K-12 civics and history standards. Four states and District of Columbia ranked exemplary, including Tennessee. 

Tennessee has made dramatic progress in explaining what students should learn in civics and history classes and how soon they should learn it. 

A decade ago, Tennessee received a “C” in its K-12 public school history standards from the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, which minced no words in its 2011 report: “The standards constitute an organizational quicksand, from which the reader is lucky to escape with any content or comprehension intact.” 

Ten years later, it’s a different story. Tennessee now is among four states, along with Alabama, California and Massachusetts plus the District of Columbia, to receive an “exemplary” ranking with a grade of A- in both history and civics standards. That’s according to the institute’s 2021 report released Wednesday, which deems most other states’ standards as inadequate or mediocre. 

This time, Fordham — an Ohio and Washington, D.C.,-based conservative think tank focused on educational excellence — updated its impression of the Volunteer State: ....

Tennessee received high marks because its Social Studies Standards, which were last updated in 2017, offer specific, rigorous and organized content that does not shy away from challenging topics, unlike some other states. (link)

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