Monday, June 07, 2021

Understanding the complicated three-pronged legal battle to block the tax roll-back referendum.

By Nate Rau, Tennessee Lookout, June 7, 2021- .... a complicated three-pronged legal battle is underway. Metro and the Nashville Business Coalition have filed separate lawsuits seeking to block the Davidson County Election Commission from holding the referendum. 

In response to a proposed charter amendment from the Metro Council, the election commission has filed a motion for declaratory judgment seeking to clarify if the council’s amendment passes legal muster. 

Much of the behind-the-scenes legal wrangling has focused on which Davidson County chancellor will hear the case. The lawsuits were originally assigned to Chancellor Russell Perkins. The expectation was that if Jim Roberts, the attorney and chief organizer for 4 Good Government, sought to intervene in the case that Perkins would recuse himself. 

Roberts did file a motion to intervene, which he subsequently withdrew.  Perkins has not combined the Metro and Nashville Business Coalition lawsuits, which for the time being remain separate cases with different hearing dates. The election commission’s preemptive lawsuit related to the Metro Council’s proposed charter amendment, which was filed with the intent of blunting the 4 Good Government charter changes should they pass, is also on a separate track. 

On Friday, the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce filed a brief ... (read more)

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