Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Bellevue Breakfast Club August 7th guest speaker is Jim Garret, Chairman of the Davidson County Republican Party.

From Lonie Spivak:

Greeting Breakfast Club Members, 

We have a great speaker for our meeting on Saturday, August 7th. The newly re-elected DCRP Chairman Jim Garret will join us to give us an update on the status of the Davidson County Republican Party. He will also let us know what plans the party is making as we enter the 2022 election season. I am hopeful he can also give us an update on redistricting, and the future of the 5th Congressional District. 

Our meeting will start around 8:30 am at the Plantation Pub, Located at 8329 Sawyer Brown Rd Nashville, TN 37221 

I look forward to seeing everyone, as we head into the busy season. 

Stay well, 


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