Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Bastiat Society of Nashville event: “If You Think Markets Corrupt Politics, You've Got it Backwards!”

Thu Sep 2nd 6:00pm - 7:30pm (CDT)

Richland Country Club, 1 Club Dr, Nashville, TN 37215, USA 

AIER’s Bastiat Society program in Nashville will host an event with Stephen C. Miller, the Adams Bibby Chair of Free Enterprise, Troy University. 

Political pundits and watch dog lists often bemoan corporate influence on politics. However, the way the standard story is told, big businesses lobby government to reduce or eliminate regulation that harms their bottom line, eroding the consumer, safety, and environmental protections government otherwise would provide. However, it is far more often the case that regulations are actually supported by business interests, i.e. firms with political influence seek to be more regulated. Public Choice economists call this phenomenon “regulatory capture”, where the political process serves not to protect consumers, workers, and citizens, but instead protects large corporations from its smaller competitors.

The Bastiat Society of Nashville’s speaker series is co-sponsored by The Beacon Center of Tennessee & The Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) (affiliated with Middle Tennessee State University).

6:00 - 6:30 PM: Networking 
6:30 - 7:15 PM: Presentation 
7:15 - 7:30 PM: Q&A 

Ticket Prices: $0 for Founding Members $10 for Annual Members $20 for Non-Members $0 for Actively enrolled university students who register with a .edu email address. 

More about the speaker: 
Stephen C. Miller is the Adams-Bibby Chair in Free Enterprise at the Manuel H. Johnson Center for Political Economy at Troy University, in Troy, Alabama, where he is also an Associate Professor of Economics in the Sorrell College of Business. He also serves as the Corporate Secretary for the American Institute for Economic Research. His academic research has been published in several journals including Public Choice, Public Opinion Quarterly, and the Review of Political Economy, and he has also written for Reason Magazine, AIER, and the Wall Street Journal. His most recent research has been focused on the relationship between political cronyism and income inequality.

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