Friday, August 06, 2021

Democrats Applaud Biden’s Unconstitutional Act

By RICH LOWRY, National Review, August 6, 2021 - Is a president of the United States flagrantly defying the Constitution an authoritarian act? A threat to democracy? Something that at least should be discouraged or frowned upon? 

Judging by the reaction of Democrats and center-left commentators to the lawless last-minute decision of President Joe Biden’s CDC to extend an eviction moratorium sure to be struck down in the courts, the answer is emphatically “no.” 

At the same time that we are constantly being told that, say, a Texas election bill to prohibit drive-thru voting or Tucker Carlson’s latest monologue represents dire democratic backsliding, almost none of Biden’s allies are raising a peep against a measure that represents exactly the sort of high-handed unilateral rule practiced by authoritarians everywhere. (read more

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