Saturday, August 07, 2021

Metro Nashville Council Approves Opportunity Grants to 21 Nonprofits

Community groups will work to enhance safety, reduce violence 

Metro Press Release, August 5, 2021 - On August 3, 2021, the Metropolitan Council approved 21 Opportunity Grants to nonprofits working to enhance community safety and reduce violence in Nashville-Davidson County. 

This is the first round of funding from the $2 million Community Safety Partnership Fund, which Metro Nashville created with Governor’s Grant dollars earlier this year. 

“Community safety requires community solutions,” said Mayor John Cooper. “These small grants will have a big impact in helping nonprofits in neighborhoods that need help the most.” 

In voting to provide funding to community groups, the Metro Council acted on the recommendations of the 11-person Community Safety Partnership Advisory Board, which is chaired by former Mayoral Policing Policy Commission member and YWCA President and CEO Sharon Roberson.

“Last year, the Policing Policy Commission highlighted the need for investments in community groups and partnerships,” said Sharon Roberson. “These grants are a first down payment on a much-needed investment.” 

Metro Community Safety Coordinator Ron Johnson will work with selected nonprofits to provide technical assistance. "While overall crime rates have fallen nearly 10 percent across the city this year, violent crimes have increased sharply," said Metro Council Public Safety Chair Jennifer Gamble. "Investing in grassroots organizations that work to provide opportunities and programs for at-risk communities and coordinating those activities with Metro agencies will help make our neighborhoods safer.” 

The Metro Council voted to approve funding to the following nonprofits: 
“For many years, Impact Youth Outreach and several other community-based nonprofits have been doing the work to create a better tomorrow for our youth, city, and communities,” said Impact Youth Outreach President Robert Sherrill. “While the city is growing, funding opportunities for youth-based organizations are small and the pot is competitive. These funds make a difference and we are beyond grateful.” 

“Creative Girls Rock® is proud to play a role in Nashville’s efforts to promote a sense of safety and belonging for all in our community,” said founder and executive director Charmin Bates. “Through the Opportunity Grant, Creative Girls Rock will be able to develop programming and events to inspire creativity to strengthen connections in Nashville’s diverse communities. We are grateful to Metro Nashville for laying the groundwork for this collaborative effort.” 

Nonprofits must be registered with the federal Internal Revenue Service and the Tennessee Secretary of State in order to be eligible for funding. Groups with budgets of more than $50,000 must also have an audit from the most recent fiscal year. Grant recipients will be required to enter into a contract with Metro and provide a report on expenditures at the end of the calendar year. The Community Safety Partnership Fund will post an application for larger Implementation Grants later this month. The Fund will also do another cycle of Opportunity Grants in the fall.

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