Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Nashville is not among the top 15 metropolitan areas with the highest in-migration activity in 2020

by Rod Williams-  A lot of people are moving to Nashville. Compared to the places people may be moving from, our taxes are relatively modest, we have no state income tax, the economy is booming with a growing big tech sector, we have excellent universities, excellent restaurants, beautiful parks, and exciting outdoor activities, a lively arts scene and of course, the music. 

Around 82 people a day are moving to Nashville and the number is going up steadily. However, that is not enough to make us one of the top 15 metropolitan areas for in-migration.  Core Logic, a real estate research firm, compiled a list of the 15 top metropolitan areas for in and out-migration and also analyzes why people move and what factors cause people to leave areas and the factors that attract people.  You can view the full report at this link

The top out-migration Metro areas: 

These are the top Metro areas for in-migration

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