Wednesday, August 11, 2021



This is a reminder that we will be having a meeting on Saturday AUGUST 21ST. 

Vivian Wilhoite, Davidson County Property Assessor, is speaking. 
Bring your questions regarding your reassessment. 

As usual we will be meeting from 8-9am for socializing and the speaker is from 9-10 am. We have been graciously offered a location by a member, Tempra Mosely.  The address is 11 Donelson Pike, Suite 12 (Cameron Park),  Nashville, TN 37214.   This meeting will be a bring your own coffee/breakfast!

This is going to be an important year to get our ducks in a row to beat the leftist Marxists! Pelosi and Schumer and their ilk are using the horrible strategy of destroying our country from the top down. We need to work to clean house this year in our local, state and National legislative bodies. To this end, I encourage you to join the Davidson County Republican Party. We are trying to take this year to fill the positions in all Metro Council Districts down to the Precincts. We have redesigned the website in case you haven’t been for a while

If I may make a suggestion if you haven’t already received your copy, buy the book American Marxism by Mark Levin. He lays out step by step how we can become the activists needed to save our country!

We need to consider running for Metro School Board which spends $1.15 BILLION per year! All the even school board districts will be up for election in 2022. We need to take back the school system from the leftists, and get the schools back to teaching the basics, and stop graduating functional illiterates. Education is a major issue we need to concentrate on, we need you to pray on the idea of a possible challenge to your school board member if they are not representing your principles. Ask them do they support Charter Schools or vouchers, ask them if they support the 1619 project and Critical Race Theory, ask them if they support banning books like Shakespeare, Mark Twain, and, of all the books to ban, To Kill A Mockingbird? Ask them if they read 1984 in High School and if they say yes suggest they re-read it! 

I needed to make a correction to the date of the next council election. We need to challenge as many of the Councilmembers as possible in 2023, especially those who voted for a 37% property tax increase. We need to get Nashville on a different track of fiscal responsibility rather than wasteful spending. Please go to this link for important dates for future elections and deadlines to step up to run. For your convenience, key dates for the 2022 election cycle can be found at We need to start fighting fire with fire. The Dems are way ahead, but we have a chance to make up ground for the rest of this year till the local election in August 2023 and the congressional elections in 2022! If you know a lawyer, ask them to consider running for office. All our Judges are going to be up for election in 2022. We need to vet those who are running for State General Assembly and State Senate. We have Dems and RINOs who need to be weeded out of office, check their voting record in the last session. If we all put our shoulders to the grindstone we can make a difference and get some sanity back in our government. I apologize for running on so long but we have so much to do in the next few years. Thanks for your time and attention! 

Rae Koehane

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