Friday, August 06, 2021

The draft of the proposed "Prohibited Concepts in Public Instruction Rule"

From Tennesee Eagle Forum:

The draft of the proposed "Prohibited Concepts in Public Instruction Rule" was posted online for public comment on Monday, Aug. 2. PLEASE CLICK ABOVE AND READ IT. 

Members of the public can weigh in through Wednesday, Aug. 11. Among some observations -- what will you see?? 

The rule limits complaints to students, parents, and employees of the district where the allegation was raised. Thoughts?? 

The rule establishes a 30-day window for filing a complaint. Thoughts?? 

The public is being given only 10 days to comment on the rule - beginning the week school starts. This is an abnormally short period, during an unusually busy time, which can only be meant to limit comments. Thoughts? 

One suggestion has been made: Taking this proposal before the House Education Committee for a hearing. Thoughts? 

Some of the House Education Committee members who might be interested in hearing your thoughts on the proposal: Rep. Mark White, Rep. Chris Hurt, Rep. Charlie Baum,Rep. Michele Carringer , Rep. Glen Casada , Rep. Scott Cepicky , Rep. Mark Cochran , Rep. Tandy Darby, Rep. John Gillespie , Rep. John Ragan , Rep. Justin Lafferty . 

READ IT and SPEAK while you have the opportunity!!

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