Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Bellevue Breakfast Club - September

From Lonnie Spivak: 

Greeting Breakfast Club Members, 

Boy the year is just flying by as we get ready to enter September. There is a lot going on in the world, but I would like to take a minute to mention the passing of my friend Phil Valentine. We were not tremendously close, but he and I worked together on many issues including the income tax protest, which really was my entry in to state and local politics. It had a big impact on my path and he was always helpful when I needed his assistance. My heart goes out to his family and friends. His mind, voice and soul will be missed in this state and beyond. RIP Phil and Godspeed. 

There are so many issues for us to discuss with the 20th anniversary of 2001 terror attacks, Afghanistan imploding and the invasion from the south, but I was hoping this month we could look at economic policies. The left is panicked by the implosion of the Joe Biden regime, so Speaker Pelosi has called the house back into session in hopes of ramming trough up to Six trillion in spending. Because of this I have invited our friend and financial expert Jim Plasko to discuss the impact of inflation and tax increases on the economy and retirement funds. 

I hope you will be able to join us on Saturday, September 4th. Our meeting will begin around 8:30 at the Plantation Pub in Bellevue. Located at 8321 Sawyer Brown Road. I look forward to seeing everyone there.


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