Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Common Ground Nashville/Braver Angels event: The Role of Race in School Curriculum

From Common Ground Nashville: 

The Role of Race in School Curriculum 
September 21 7-8:30 pm 

1. A Deeper Look at Critical Race Theory Wall Street Journal, Opinion (7/20/21) 
2. Critical Race Theory: A Brief History New York Times (7/27/21) 

Register here to receive a confirmation email with the Common Ground Nashville meeting link. 

We invite you to a workshop sponsored by Braver Angels* on August 29 at 1pm to provide context for our conversation. 

*Braver Angels is a citizens' organization uniting red and blue Americans in a working alliance to depolarize America. 

Register here to receive a confirmation email with the Braver Angels Depolarizing Conversations about Race link 

Thank you, 
Beth and Catherine

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