Monday, October 25, 2021

Sen. Kelsey indicted for allegedly violating federal campaign finance laws

BY: SAM STOCKARD, Tennessee Lookout - Sen. Brian Kelsey has been indicted by a federal grand juryfor allegedly funneling money from his state campaign account to his congressional campaign, a violation of federal law. 
A federal grand jury in Nashville returned a five-count indictment against Kelsey, 43, a Germantown Republican, on Friday charging him and Nashville social club owner Joshua Smith, 44, with violating multiple campaign finance laws as part of a conspiracy to bolster his 2016 congressional campaign, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. (read more)

The Tennessean - ... Smith owns The Standard, an elite Nashville club that also has operated its own state political action committee. There, the investigators allege, they illegally funneled money into Kelsey’s campaign on one occasion at a private dinner on July 11, 2016. (read more)

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