Friday, October 01, 2021

The journalist of The Economist discuss COP-26 and the decisive decade for climate change

by Rod Williams, Oct. 1, 2021 - The Economist is one of the journals that I read on a regular basis.  I  find they are a reliable source for just the facts. Their reporting is fact-based and their analysis is data-driven. The Economist believes in economics. They are never dogmatic nor sensationalist. In the below video the Economist journalist discuss COP-26 and the climate challenges facing the world. For anyone interested in the issue of climate change, this is suggested viewing.

Here is my summary of what they say:

The evidence shows that increasing extreme weather events are the result of climate change. Climate change is a complex problem to resolve. Humans knowing things does not mean they can adequately act as a group.  There is a huge gap between how much carbon reduction the Paris Accords promise to achieve and what is needed to meet the target of holding the earth temperature to below 2 °C. Individual actions are a drop in the bucket and might make one feel better but are fairly insignificant. Telsa is a good example of what the private sector can do that has a positive impact. Progress can come from private sector innovation. There needs to be a price placed on carbon emissions. Planting trees can help but cannot solve the problem. Wind and solar can help but not enough.  We need a technological breakthrough that would really pull carbon from the atmosphere. Climate change of a 2 ° C warming will not have a huge death toll in developing countries but will hurt and kill mostly people in poor countries.  Global warming of 2 ° is not going to destroy the planet; it is going to hurt humans.  Alarmist disinformation is a problem; we have moved beyond the problem of climate skeptics' disinformation.  A 3 °C warming above preindustrial levels would be catastrophic.

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