Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Expect to hear the term "budget equity" a lot this year when Metro develops a budget. What is it?

by Rod Williams, Dec. 28, 2021 - Progressives have a new tool to use at the local level to redistribute income, slip in Critical Race Theory indoctrination, and impose more progressive policies on their citizens.  This new term and tool are being adopted by progressive cities across America.  

It appears that Budgeting for Equity was a project of Bloomberg Philanthropies and was launched in 2020.  Initially, 30 cities participated in a training session to learn the concept and use of the tool.  "The 30 cities that have been selected to participate in the program, which will run through December 2021, are: Akron (OH), Austin (TX), Birmingham (AL), Chattanooga (TN), Chula Vista (CA), Columbia (SC), Columbus (OH), Denver (CO), Durham (NC), Fort Collins (CO), Knoxville (TN), Lincoln (NE), Madison (WI), New Orleans (LA), Oakland (CA), Peoria (IL), Philadelphia (PA), Providence (RI), Pueblo (CO), Rochester (NY), Salt Lake City (UT), Savannah (GA), Seattle (WA), Springfield (IL), Stockton (CA), Syracuse (NY), Tacoma (WA), Tampa (FL), Toledo (OH), West Palm Beach (FL)." (link)

Note that Nashville was not one of the original 30, but since the launch of "Budgeting for Equity," by Bloomberg, this concept has spread rapidly beyond the original thirty participating cities. Numerous cities are now incorporating "budget equity" in their budgeting process.

Here is some of what I gleaned about the "budget equity" movement from reading various sources and included are some snippets of the rhetoric. One can expect this to be repeated in Nashville.
  • BE SPECIFIC. “Equity” can sound like a broad term. Identify the inequity or disparity you wish to address and how you will address it.  'Our department will create a performance goal for each employee to attend at least 2 equity, diversity, and inclusion related training per year." 
  • Budget Equity Tool (BET) is designed to integrate explicit considerations of racial and economic equity into decisions, including policies, practices, programs and ultimately, the  Departmental budgets.
  • Systemic inequities are entrenched in local governments. And the sheer pervasiveness can make it hard for city leaders to know where to start when making structural changes to how services are delivered or programs are designed. Many local leaders are now looking at their budgets—a city’s most important annual statement about its values and priorities—to address long-standing issues of racial injustice.

For more on the topic see these link, link, link, and link.

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