From Tim Skow:
1ST TUESDAY Members and Friends
WOW !!!!
The aftershocks from Tuesday's Elections are still reverberating!
Expect to hear how the fallout will impact Tennessee at 1ST TUESDAY on Tuesday, November 9th with the return of BOTH of our Majority Leaders from the State Legislature, Jack Johnson & William Lamberth.
Senator Jack Johnson |
Rep. William Lamberth |
HOT TOPICS will include, but NOT limited to:
1] Results of the 3 Special Legislative Sessions this fall - FORD plant, Mandates and much Much MUCH more!
2] What to expect in the upcoming 2022 Legislative Session
3] REDISTRICTING - the FINAL version of 2020 Census numbers are in - how many area seats are in play?
4] and then ... there are the Impacts of the HOT RACE for Virginia GOV and its political fallout and 2022 races
Nobody can tell us more about TN, politics, and what's coming than Jack & William!
What a riveting Q&A session it will be !!!
As usual - Doors open at 11am with lunch served at 11:25.
Program at Noon with Q & A over at 1:00 sharp
In spite of the "soaring BIDEN-flation" ... lunch is still $25 for Members and $30 for Guests [at least for 2021 ]
Visit our updated 1ST TUESDAY website [] and secure seating for you and your guests!
Mark and your calendars, securing seating and pass the word !!
See you on TUESDAY, November 9th !
Tim Skow
PS -- this is our last meeting to contribute to the Nashville Republican Women TOY FUND DRIVE !!
Those who contribute $50 & more to the TN National Guard Toy Fund Drive get their 2022 DUES WAIVED
AND THE BEST NEWS .... our website is up and useful going forward !!!
Visit our site for seats at
SEE YOU ... on Tuesday November 9th !!
When at website :
The GOOD NEWS is the icons on the HOME PAGE work as expected.
1] Simply CLICK on them that say "PAY LUNCHEON FEE" for lunch and
2] Then SCROLL down [ past Jack's picture] to secure seating for You & your GUESTS
SEE YOU ... on Tuesday November 9th
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