Thursday, January 06, 2022

Anniversary of a Disgrace. Don't Make Every Day January 6

 Anniversary of a Disgrace

Rod's Comment: I agree with the views expressed in the above essay.  The January 6th effort to stop Congress from fulfilling its duty to certify the electoral college vote can not be excused. Jan. 6 was not the Civil War nor 9-11 however, but it was an attack on our Democracy.  That in the summer of 2020 left-wing terrorists attacked federal courthouses and police and caused loss of life and millions and millions of dollars in property damage in cities across America does not excuse the January 6th riot by a small number of fringe Trump supporters. That the left does just as bad or worse is not an excuse for right-wing rioting.  To riot for the purpose of subverting an election outcome is despicable. 

Don't Make Every Day January 6

I also agree with the views expressed in the article linked above.  Rioter of January 6 should not be treated more harshly than the left-wing rioter of the summer of 2020. Revulsion at the rioters of January 6th does not justify trambling their civil liberties nor more harsh sentences than that meted out to the left-wing rioters of 2020, many of whom were released with only the mildest of punishment. Participants in the mostly peaceful terrorist attack of January 6th should not be held in solitary confinement while awaiting trial. 

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