Friday, January 14, 2022

Dems can sue over redistricting but they can't win

 NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF), Jan. 14, 2021 — ... Vanderbilt Law School Professor Jim Blumstein said fighting the proposed redistricting plan may most likely be an uphill battle. ... To win in court, Blumstein said Democrats would most likely have to prove racial discrimination was the predominant factor for drawing the lines the way they did.

...Blumstein said courts have concluded that redrawing lines to favor one political party's chances is just part of politics — perhaps even if it breaks up a city center. 

"There can't be discrimination against Blacks, if that's the predominant factor, but there can be favoritism toward Republicans, and if it turns out a lot of Blacks are Democrats and they're going to be hurt, that's not going to be enough — they'll have to show that's the primary focus," Blumstein said. (link)

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