Monday, January 17, 2022

GOP chair Scott Golden predicts school board races will be a part of the 'red wave'

Scott Golden
By Robert Houk, Johnson City TimesNews, Jan 10, 2022 -The chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party told a meeting of the GOP faithful in Johnson City on Monday that he believes a “red wave” will be sweeping across the nation in this year’s midterm congressional elections. ... “The tsunami is building,” Scott Golden said, noting that President Joe Biden’s sagging poll numbers bode well for his party’s chances of winning control of Congress in November.

Golden said Republicans look to easily pick up the “four or five seats” the party needs to regain the majority in the House and will be facing a “very close election” in the Senate.

... Golden said Tennessee will become an even “redder state” this year with partisan school board elections now on the local ballots. ... As a result of a new law passed by the state General Assembly in 2021, elections for school board seats can now be partisan contests. (read more)

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