Monday, January 03, 2022

Poll Watcher Training from Davidson County Republican Party, Saturday, January 15.

Poll Watcher Training from Davidson County Republican Party
Saturday. January 15.  9-11 am
Bold Patriot Brewing
410 39thAve N. 37209

Please RSVP to:

We have 162 precincts which means we have 162 polling locations where we are needed. Bring conservative friends if you like and let me know so we have materials for everyone.  For those who live in Davidson County, we need poll workers also.  Watchers are volunteers while workers are paid and must be fit enough to work a 12-hour shift. 

To be a poll worker go to the link below and apply. Scroll down to the red button. Forward your receipt of the application to Jim Garrett -- -- as he is going to make sure that Republicans are included. He says we might not hear from the Election Commission until March/April as the next election is not until May 3.

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