Wednesday, February 09, 2022

13 Metro Councilmembers Have Yet to File Their Required Campaign Finance Disclosures due more than two years ago

Three CMs have made no disclosures whatsoever since their election more than two years ago

by STEVE CAVENDISH, Nashville Scene,  FEB 4, 2022 - ... At-Large Councilmembers Sharon Hurt and Steve Glover have not filed since fall 2019, and neither has District 1 Councilmember Jonathan Hall. ... 10 other councilmembers failed to file their disclosures, which were due Jan. 31: Robert Swope, Tonya Hancock, Larry Hagar, Freddie O’Connell, Mary Carolyn Roberts, Brandon Taylor, Thom Druffel, Russ Pulley, Sandra Sepulveda and Antoinette Lee. (Read more)

Rod's Comment:  The above list contains some of my favorite councilmembers and some of my least favorite councilmembers.  No matter in which category you fall, you should file required campaign finance forms in a timely manner.  There is no good excuse for not doing so.

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