Saturday, April 30, 2022

Candidate for U.S. Congress Andy Ogles, Guest Speaker at MAY 7 Tennessee Republican Assembly Meeting

9:15 am Meet & Greet | Program 9:30-10:30 am

Bold Patriot Brewing 410 39th Ave N. 37209 

Andy Ogles
Mayor of Maury County Andy Ogles is a candidate for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District which now consists of parts of Davidson, Williamson, and Wilson counties; and all of Maury, Marshall, and Lewis counties.  Up against as many as 10 opponents at Wilson and Marshall County recent events, Ogles won straw polls by wide margins. 

Mayor Ogles told those audiences, “Maury County is one of the counties that led through COVID. We refused to bow to the mandates. We stayed open. We protected liberty and freedom. I don’t see in this field of candidates someone who has that track record – who is willing to stand on those principles and fight back against the government.  I had an obligation to defend state law, the state constitution, and the U.S. Constitution. I never wavered from that.” 

Before becoming Mayor of Maury County in 2018, Ogles lead the conservative grassroots Tennessee chapter of Americans for Prosperity. During his tenure as the state director, the grassroots army defeated Obamacare expansion twice, led the fight against Common Core, and prevented multiple attempts to inflict Washington DC values on Tennesseans. The volunteer organization worked to hold politicians accountable for bad votes, regardless of party affiliation.

“It has become increasingly clear that too many of our elected officials in Washington are failing our country, failing to fulfill their promises, and failing our future,” Ogles said. “Sadly, Republicans who promised to govern as conservatives are letting us down the most. We will not change what we are seeing IN Washington until we send new, strong conservative representatives TO Washington.”

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1 comment:

  1. You fail to mention that the "grassroots" Americans for Prosperity was founded by the Koch brothers and is their primary PAC. Ogles is no grassroots politician, he is neck deep in the swamp.
