The select committee voted not to restore Robby Starbuck, Morgan Ortagus, who was endorsed by former President Donald Trump one week before she announced her candidacy, and Baxter Lee to the ballot after they were previously removed because of verified challenges to their bona fide status.Starbuck had previously threatened a lawsuit if his status was challenged. It is currently unclear if he or any of the other disqualified candidates will pursue a legal challenge. The TNGOP’s ruling is on very strong legal ground and is protected by statute. (Read more)
Rod's Comment: I am disappointed. As Ms Ortagus said after the select committee made its decision, "I believe that voters in Middle Tennessee should pick their representative – not establishment party insiders. (1)"
If you think Starbuck and Ortagus are carpetbaggers, don't vote for them. I am undecided as to whom I am going to vote for in the 5th Congressional district, so it is not as if I am disappointed because my preferred candidate got booted off the ballot. In fact, I am inclined not to vote for Ortagus, primarily because I do not want to see Trump-endorsed candidates elected. I want President Trump's power and influence to wane. Also, the fact that she can not even name the interstate that bisects the district she wants to serve makes me inclined not to support her candidacy. I am also not inclined to support Starbuck and don't know enough about Baxter to have an opinion.
If I shouldn't vote for Ortagus or Starbuck because they are new to the district, let their opponents make the argument and let me decide. If I should not vote for Baxter because in 2020 he voted in a Democrat presidential primary, then make that case in the campaign and let me decide.
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