Monday, May 16, 2022

Bastiat Society to host a Nashville in-person event with Daniel J. Smith. Are Markets Moral?

AIER’s Bastiat Society program in Nashville will host an in-person event with Daniel J. Smith

About this event

AIER’s Bastiat Society program in Nashville will host an in-person event with Daniel J. Smith, Director of the Political Economy Research Institute and Professor of Economics in the Jones College of Business at Middle Tennessee State University.

Even the harshest critics of market societies begrudgingly recognize the efficiency of markets in generating unprecedented material abundance. Rather, modern critics argue that markets lead to unjust distributions of wealth by encouraging immoral behavior. In this talk, Smith argues that markets aren’t just more efficient; they are also moral and moralizing. The least-off in society are the primary beneficiaries of market institutions. By encouraging the adoption of commercial virtues, markets also foster morality and tolerance.

Daniel J. Smith is the Director of the Political Economy Research Institute and Professor of Economics in the Jones College of Business at Middle Tennessee State University. He serves as the North American Co-editor of The Review of Austrian Economics and is the President of the Society for Development of Austrian Economics. His academic research and policy work uses Austrian and public choice economics to analyze private and public governance institutions. While his primary research areas are on monetary institutions and public pensions, he has also done fieldwork following natural disasters and even examined the governance institutions of brawling soccer hooligans, cyclists in the Tour de France, and the patricians of historic Venice. Other academic and policy research he has undertaken examines the effects of occupational licensing, payday lending regulation, and the morality of markets.

He is the co-author of Money and the Rule of Law: Generality and Predictability in Monetary Institutions (Cambridge University Press), written with Peter J. Boettke and Alexander W. Salter, and The Political Economy of Public Pensions (Cambridge University Press), written with Eileen Norcross. His research is published in academic journals, such as Public Choice, Economics of Governance, Constitutional Political Economy, and The Review of Austrian Economics, and in chapters in books published by Oxford University Press, Routledge, and Wiley-Blackwell. Smith has published numerous op-eds in national and regional outlets, including in the Wall Street Journal, The Hill, Investor's Business Daily, and Daniel received his M.A. and Ph.D. in economics from George Mason University and a B.B.A. in economics and finance from Northwood University.

 Eventbrite Ticket Required.

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