Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Morgan Ortagus endorses Kurt Winstead

The Tennessee Conservative [By Jason Vaughn] – Once endorsed by former President Donald Trump for Tennessee District 5’s spot in the U.S. House, one former candidate is serving as a national security advisor for another campaign after Republican Party officials found her to be ineligible to run for office.

Republican Congressional candidate Kurt Winstead’s team announced on Monday that Morgan Ortagus was now serving as the co-chair of a newly formed National Security Advisory Committee for his campaign. (read more)

Rod's comment: What is up with this? If Ortegas were to endorse anyone, I would have expected it to be Andy Ogles. I perceive him to be the most Trumpish candidate left in the race. Winstead seems to lack firm conservative credentials. During the senate contest between Bob Corker and Harold Ford, Jr some years ago, Winstead contributed to the Harold Ford campaign. Plus, at times Winstead has seemed soft on abortion. Something is going on that I don't yet see. Stay tuned.

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1 comment:

  1. And that’s just it - Ortegus was a RINO that Trump mistakenly backed. As evidenced by her saying she would have worked under Biden. As evidenced by her having virtually no support on the ground at local level. Winstead isn’t the most RINO candidate, that award goes to Harwell at this stage. But he’s not got a lot of baggage (like the gas tax) so he could win. That is why she did it.
