Thursday, July 21, 2022

That "left-wing PAC" Mayor Andy Ogles is suing for defamation is the Trump-backed "Tennessee Conservative PAC."

From The Daily Lookout, ...  The 5th Congressional District GOP primary continues to unload a trove of campaign news. In the latest, candidate and Maury County Mayor Andy Ogles has filed a lawsuit against Tennessee Conservatives PAC for defamation. 

In a press release, Ogles referred to the PAC as a "Left-Wing PAC," and said it supports one of the other candidates in the race, without naming which one. The PAC released an ad accusing Ogles of failing to pay property taxes, a claim that is not true. 

Rod's Comment: Watch out, when someone calls someone or some organization "left-wing;" they may actually be conservative. Or, if an organization calls itself "conservative;" it could actually be left-wing.  Confusing, I know, but in today's world words don't have meanings. Maybe Tennessee Conservative PAC should sue Andy Ogles for defamation for calling it "left-wing."

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1 comment:

  1. Rod: how do I get in touch with you? I’m really curious to know where you got the into on Amy Pate being endorsed by moms for liberty. Im working on her campaign and we were not aware of this. You can reach me at
