Monday, September 19, 2022

Please stop a Trumpinista supporter of the big lie from taking office. Support Lisa Murkowski in Alaska.

Kelly Tshibaka vs. Lisa Murkowski
by Rod Williams, Sept. 19, 2022- Since suspending my support for the Republican Party and determining that the most important issue facing the country is stopping those who supported the 2021 coup attempt, and those likely to support the next coup attempt, from holding office, I have been looking for places to place my political dollars where they would do the most good to achieve that end. 

The Senate race in Alaska is one race where I am contributing money. While Lisa Murkowski is more liberal than I am on some issues, she supports the peaceful transfer of power.  Her opponent is Trump-backed Kelly Tshibaka who promotes the big lie about the stolen 2020 election

In Alaska, the top four primary candidates, regardless of party, face each other in a runoff. Both Republican incumbent Lisa Murkowski and Trump-backed Republican Kelly Tshibaka are in the runoff and are the top two contenders. A new recent poll shows Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Rev. Kelly Tshibaka in a dead heat.  

Please help stop the next coup attempt and contribute to the campaign of Lisa Murkowski. 

Donate here

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