Saturday, September 10, 2022

Support of false election claims runs deep in 2022 GOP field

 By NICHOLAS RICCARDI, AP, September 8, 2022- ... Nearly 1 in 3 Republican candidates for statewide offices that play a role in overseeing, certifying or defending elections supported overturning the results of the 2020 presidential race, according to an Associated Press review. ...They include contenders from one end of the country to the other, often in pivotal swing states, for positions that are the linchpins of democracy. In Michigan, Kristina Karamo, a community college professor who signed an affidavit to a lawsuit seeking to throw out President Joe Biden’s win, is running to be the state’s top elections official. In Arizona, GOP candidates for the three top statewide offices all backed setting aside Biden’s victory in their state. ...

Of the 86 Republican candidates vying for those positions in 37 states in the fall, one-third have echoed Trump’s lies about widespread fraud costing him reelection, according to the AP review. Only 40% would directly say Biden was legitimately elected.

Rod's Comment: And that is why I am suspending my support for the Republican Party.

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1 comment:

  1. Republicans and their supporters are morons. To hell with trump and the gd gop.
