Sunday, September 18, 2022

Who are the Republican senators who voted against election certification?

by Rod Williams, Sept. 18, 2022- I have determined I cannot support Republican candidates for office who participated in the Trump coup attempt or those who continue to support the big lie of the stolen election. In my view, anyone who voted against certifying the 2020 election results is unfit for holding office. Also, anyone who continues to spread the big lie of a stolen election should not be trusted with power. They can be assumed to be supporters of the next coup attempt. The peaceful transfer of power is an essential, fundamental, foundational principle of democratic rule. 

Since I cannot support Republicans who supported the coup attempt or support those likely to support the next coup attempt, I am doing research as part of my effort to determine where I should put my political dollars this season. In a post, I am suspending my support for the Republican Party, I explained why I would not be supporting generic Republicans.  Since then, I have been scrambling to find sane Republicans worthy of support.  Also, for the first time in my life, I am seeking to support Democrats who may be able to defeat Republicans who supported Trump's coup attempt. There is no clearing house giving me the information I want and research is slow, so I may be spending very little money on campaign giving this season, in a year when I was prepared to give more than ever. 

Six Republican U. S. Senators voted against certifying the election results from Arizona and seven voted against certifying the election results from Michigan. Many more were planning to vote against certification but after the Capital riot of January 6, they changed their mind and voted for certification. 

These are the eight senators who voted against certification:

  • Texas Senator Ted Cruz.  He is next up for reelection in 2024.
  • Missouri Senator Josh Hawley. He not only voted against certifying the 2020 election but was the loan U.S. Senate to vote against allowing Sweden and Finland to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). He is a hero to the Trumpinistas and is mentioned as a 2024 presidential candidate should Trump not run. Unfortunately, Josh Hawley isn’t up for reelection in the 2022 Midterms.
  • Mississippi Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith. Her current term ends on January 3, 2027.
  • Kansas Senator Roger Marshall.  Marshall is next up for reelection in 2026.
  • Louisiana Senator John Kennedy. Senator Kennedy is up for reelection. Senator Kennedy has been one of my favorite Republican senators, but anyone who supported Trump's coup attempt is unworthy of office.  Despite almost daily email and text fundraising appeals from the Kennedy campaign, Kennedy's campaign is ahead by a country mile (as Kennedy might express it) and does not need any additional funding.  Unfortunately, Kennedy is so far ahead that there is no way his opponent can win the election. In a recent poll, Kennedy was favored by 53% of the poll respondents and his Democrat challenger by only 14%. It is not even close, so I will not be wasting money supporting Kennedy's opponent. If his opponent, had a chance, I would support his opponent.
  • Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville. Tuberville is next up for reelection in 2026
  • Florida Senator Rick Scott. Scott is next up for reelection in 2024.
  • Wyoming Senator Cynthia Lummis.  Lummis is next up for reelection in 2026.
As you can see, this research has been a wasted effort. Only one of the eight is up for election in these mid-terms and he does not have a viable challenger. If anyone has come across a sane patriotic Republican worthy of supporting or an opportunity to fund a Democrat who stands a chance of defeating a Trumpinista Republican, please share it here, or email me at

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