Thursday, November 03, 2022

Bellevue Breakfast Club - Nov. 5th. Featured speakers Congressman Mark Green (TN7) and former Mayor Andy Ogles (candidate TN5)

From Lonnie Spivak:

Congressman Dr. Mark Green (TN7)
and Former Mayor Andy Ogles (TN5)

Greeting Breakfast Club Members,

It is hard to believe we have made it through two years with Joe Biden and his cabal "in charge" of the country. FINALLY we get our chance to send a message with a RED WAVE in the 2022 mid-term elections.

It gives me great pleasure to introduce our VIP speakers for our November meeting. Because Bellevue straddles two congressional districts with the newly redrawn lines, I am honored to have both Congressman Dr. Mark Green (TN7) and Former Mayor Andy Ogles (TN5) with us the first Saturday in November. 

Please join us Saturday, November 5th, 8:30am at  Plantation Pub, 8321 Sawyer Brown Rd., Nashville, TN 37221 as we welcome two great Tennesseans. I am sure there will be a lot of inside baseball as we head to Election Day.

Our friend Michelle Forman needs volunteers to help her get across the finish line. Please let me know if you have time to either knock on doors or make phone calls for her as we enter the final stretch.

Thank you all and I will see you soon.


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