Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Marsha Blackburn's eggtravagant claim

Jan 24, 2023- This from National Review:

On a lighter note: 

  • A little egg-stra? Tennessee's senior U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn made an egg-stravagant claim on Twitter Monday, alleging that "Americans are going to Mexico to buy eggs because they are cheaper."
  • Hey, look: We like a fried egg sandwich as well as anyone, but Senator — come on. We think it's better to pay $8 for a dozen eggs at the Kroger than to buy a Southwest Air ticket to the border, hope Southwest is flying, rent a car, negotiate for Mexican eggs . . . before you know it, that egg sandwich is going to cost you about $500 and a whole lot of time. It's clucking ridiculous.
Rod's Comment: Marsha, Marsha, Marsha. (with a roll of the eyes, a half smile, and a shaking of the head from side to side.)

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