Friday, February 24, 2023

Gov. Lee plans to sign bill to protect the health and welfare of minors by banning genital mutilation and puberty blockers.

by Rod Williams, Feb. 24, 2023 - Yesterday, the State House passed legislation to protect the health and welfare of minors. The bill (SB1) bans administering to children puberty blockers, hormone therapies and surgical procedures designed to change the gender characteristics of a child. Governor Lee is expected to sign the bill. 

The practices banned by this bill are experimental and can lead to sterility and other serious health issues. Most children who suffer from gender dysphoria change their mind as they mature if they are not subjected to life changing surgery or hormone treatment. Liberals calls the experimental medical practices banned in this bill "gender-transition health care for minors." 

Below are portions of the bill:

To read it all, follow this link

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