Saturday, February 04, 2023

Lonnie Spivak is running for DCRP Chairman

Lonnie Spivak
From Lonnie Spivak: 

Breakfast Club Members,

If you have not heard, I have decided to run for Davidson County Republican Party (DCRP) Chairman. I am excited for this opportunity, and I believe I have the experience and vision necessary to lead the party in the coming years, and I look forward to mending fences and working with my fellow Republicans to ensure that our message for Nashville government is heard loud and clear.

Please plan to attend the convention. There are a few ways you can qualify to vote:

  • The best way is to have voted in 3 out of the last 4 primaries
  • You can also be a member of a federated auxiliary groups such as the Republican Women or the Young Republicans
  • You can have given money to the Republican Party
  • Vouched by a board member if you do not meet any of the other requirements

The election for the Davidson County Republican Party Executive Committee will take place Saturday, February 11, 2023, starting at 9:00 a.m. at the Millennium Maxwell House Hotel, located at 2025 Rosa L. Parks Blvd., Nashville, TN 37228

The DCRP Reorganization Committee has asked that attendees pre-register by Friday, February 10, 2023 CLICK HERE (

Below is my 7 point plan to improve the party, and I hope you will attend the convention and vote for me and the other board positions.

Lonnie Spivak DCRP Reorganization Plan

  1. Rethink the how the organization operates at every level.
  2. Review and possibly adjust the current Executive Committee structure
  3. Be an organization that gives the auxiliary groups an umbrella to sit under 
  4. Improve the definition of what it means to be a “Republican” to be more inclusive and welcoming.
  5. Improve fundraising by reconnecting with the business community and the grassroots to improve active membership and community outreach
  6. Build a better understanding of the county population 
  7. Become more active in local politics.

1. How we do business

It is apparent to everyone that the status quo is not working in Nashville. To be successful, I would want the board to rethink everything regarding:

  1. Recruiting candidates 
  2. Supporting candidates
  3. Funding candidates

(Specifics to come)

2. Change the makeup of the board

I believe the Davidson County Executive Committee can be more efficient and create a winning environment in Nashville. I would consider the following changes:

  1. Reduce the number of Regional Vice-Chairs
  2. Create a position whose responsibility is Digital Engagement (Communications and social media are different skill sets)
  3. The current rules set a high-bar of what it means to be a republican. I would explore changing the rules in a way that enables new residents a way to get involved.
  4. Make our financials more public so our membership has a better understanding of the status of the organization

 3. Reconnect with the auxiliary republican groups

We are lucky to have so many great conservative groups in Nashville. I think in recent years the county party has seen these organizations as competitors instead of allies. I am hoping to mend some fences and be a better umbrella organization for groups such as:

  1. Nashville Republican Women
  2. Young Republicans
  3. College Republicans
  4. Tennessee Republican Assembly
  5. Other local meeting groups

It is the party’s responsibility to be glue that keeps the party moving forward by giving the auxiliary groups whatever support they need to be successful. This will help us all be successful.

4. What it means to be a Republican in Nashville

Becoming the “It” city has its challenges. It is extremely rare to find a resident who is a native Nashvillian. We need to take the opportunity to consider changing the bylaws to enable new republican residents an opportunity to put their expertise and skills to work. We all understand that being a conservative/republican is different in Nashville than other places, and it is up to us to welcome those who want to get involved.

  1. Start a “Welcome Wagon” program that gives new residents from blue states a box with DCRP logo items as well as info on how to join and info on other area organizations.

5. Improve fundraising and reconnect with the business community

To improve fundraising, the DCRP should make sure that their communications are clear, transparent, and consistent with the ideals of the republican party. We should listen to our members and the business community, understand their concerns, and provide them with regular updates and information to foster open lines of communication. We will need to:

  1. Provide a civic value
  2. Support business development and growth
  3. Collaborate with other stakeholders and political organizations to create a broad network to support one another
6. Build a better understanding of the Community

With all the growth in Nashville, I don’t believe we have a current understanding of the electorate in Davidson County. I believe we need to do:

  1. Traditional Polling
  2. Gather Social Media data
  3. Direct contact with new Nashville residents
  4. Combine new aggregate data with primary voter information

We will use all the information to identify districts that are favorable and where we have the ability for improvement.

7. Become more active in local politics

I believe the average republican voter does not care about the nuts and bolts of the inner workings of the party but wants to see activity and action. As a board we need to do a better job communicating our positions on everyday kitchen-table issues to Nashville residents. This includes but is not limited to:

  1. Metro Budget/Government
  2. Education
  3. Transit 
  4. Crime
  5. Mental health/Drug Use

This will include regular press-releases, a working relationship with local conservative media, social media and digital ad campaigns.

I believe if we start to implement these steps, we will be on our way to creating a fun and successful republican party in blue Davidson County.

All the best.

Lonnie Spivak


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