Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Special called Council meeting to advance Council downsizing and new districts tomorrow, March 22, 2023

From Raphaela Keohanem, March 212, 2023 - Please see below. Tomorrow night at 6:30 there will be a special council meeting re the downsizing of the council and how it should be done.

Below you will find my opinion but here is the resolution and the links to the amendments for your information.

RS2023-2062:A resolution directing the Metropolitan Planning Department to prepare a Council redistricting plan consisting of 17district councilmembers and 3 councilmembers at-large to comply with state law; requesting the Metropolitan Planning Commission to hold the necessary meeting(s) to approve the redistricting plan; and requesting the Vice Mayor to call any special Council meeting(s) that may be required to effectuate the redistricting plan. Sponsors: Johnston, VanReece, Vercher, Nash, Swope, Hagar and Druffel

Here is the link to the resolution and the amendments so you can read the amendments and the bill for yourself.


From previous email, linked in this email:

I am writing to let you know I SUPPORT RS2023-2062 as proposed not amended.  I think 17 council districts and 3 at large council members is exactly the right distribution. 

As time is of the essence, I urge you to approve this Resolution so we can have this done in time for the August election.  For once let’s all act together and make the best of the situation regardless of your “feelings”.  Embrace the change, change is good, and in this instance I agree change is good…..

I commend the State for their wisdom in bringing this body and others in the state to some reasonable size.   It never made sense to me that a city with under 1 million CITIZENS had a council the size of NYC with a population of 8 million CITIZENS! 

Thanks as always for your time and attention.


Raphaela Keohanem is a council watcher who regularly reports on the Council agenda and provides commentary. To request to be added to her mailing list, contact her at raekeo@aol.com.

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