Thursday, June 22, 2023

Meet Fran Bush, candidate for Nashville mayor

by Rod Williams, June 22, 2023- The Tennessean is doing a feature article on each of the candidates for mayor, including a video of an interview with each. Above is the Tennessean interview with Fran Bush. Thankfully, The Tennessean has made the videoed interview with the candidates sharable, so I am able to post it here. 

If one has a subscription to the Tennessean, you can read the article on Fran Bush at this link. Most of what is in the article is also in the video. 

My main takeaways from the article and the video: I have not watched it yet but have read the article. I hate to be so blunt. With only $2510 on hand at the end of the first quarter, Fran Bush cannot be considered a serious contender. I liked her as a school board member. In my view she was one the best member on the board during the time she served. However, she has no chance of being elected mayor. I wish she would withdraw and throw her support behind her preferred candidate. 

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