Friday, June 30, 2023

Meet Mayoral candidate Vivian Wilhoite

by Rod Williams, June 30, 2023- The Tennessean is doing a feature article on each of the candidates for mayor, including a video of an interview with each. Unfortunately, The Tennessean interview with Vivian Wilhoite does not accompany the article.  Instead of the Wilhoite interview, the video accompany the Wilhoit article is a video of a News Channel 5 mayoral forum. I can't believe no one at the Tennessean caught this mistake or that the candidate did not point it out to The Tennessean. To see the article and where the video ought to be, follow this link

My main takeaways from the article and the video: Vivian Wilhoit is Davidson County's Assessor of Property. Having been elected County-wide to that position and having previously served as a Council member at large, she should be considered a serious candidate.  She says, "The top priorities of my office as mayor will be to improve the relationship with our state government, create stronger neighborhoods and businesses, specifically small businesses, through public/private partnerships, work to build our affordable housing stock by utilizing Metro vacant land, and ensure that our public education system is fully funded.


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