Thursday, June 22, 2023

Meet Natisha Brooks, candidate for Nashville mayor


by Rod Williams, June 22, 2023- The Tennessean is doing a feature article on each of the candidates for mayor, including a video of an interview with each. Above is the Tennessean interview with Natisha Brooks. Thankfully, The Tennessean has made the videoed interview with the candidates sharable, so I am able to post it here. 

If one has a subscription to the Tennessean, you can read the article on Natisha Brooks at this link. Most of what is in the article is also in the video.

My main takeaways from the article and interview: She is for light-rail, more after school care, and more affordable housing, more mental health care, fully funding the police and filling the 200-man police manpower shortage, raising the starting salary for teachers and police to $70,000, and paying sanitation workers more.  She provides no analysis of the cause of the affordable housing problem and does not say how she would address the issue. She wants to spend a lot of money but says as mayor she will not increase taxes. She is not realistic. Natisha Brooks is a sweet person and I like her, but I do not think she is the best person for the job of mayor. Also, with a modest campaign war chest, I think her chances of making a runoff are slim. I wish she would withdraw from the race and throw her support to her preferred candidate.

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