Monday, July 24, 2023

It the election for Mayor were today, Freddie O'Connell and Alice Rolli would make it to the runoff.


by Rod Williams, July 25, 2023- Tennessee Lookout today released the results of a poll of the mayoral contest which show Freddie O’Connell leading the field with 21% of the vote and Alice Rollie next with 13% and Senator Jeff Yarbro just one-point further behind at 12%. 

This poll was taken after Jim Gingrich dropped out of the race. The most important thing that jumps out at me is that with only a week before the election, 23% of likely voters are still undecided. What are they waiting for? When will they make a decision and which way will they break?  No one has a lock on the race as of yet.  The other candidates in this rice are polling about where I thought they would be at this time, except I thought Matt Wiltshire would be outpolling Jeff Yarbro. 

The firm conducting the poll, GABO, only polled 500 people.  I know that is not a lot of people, but if the sampling is a good sample, a small number of people polled can be representational. I know when people don't like the results of a poll, they question the methodology or the integrity of the firm doing the polling. Most of GABO's clients are liberal organizations, but that does not mean they are not professional and are not good at what they do.  I am accepting the poll as accurate. 

I hope Alice Rolli can remain in second place. A choice between Jeff Yarbro and Freddie O'Connell would not be much of a choice. 

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