Thursday, July 27, 2023

Radical group Nashville Justice League endorses candidates. Please don't vote for any of these candidates. Please help defeat them.


by Rod Williams, July 27, 2023- Nashville Justice League is a radical progressive organization comprised of The Equity Alliance Fund (TEAF), the Central Labor Council of Nashville and Middle Tennessee, and TIRRC who have joined forces to, in their words, "fight for a more just and equitable Nashville and stand up for civil rights, workers' rights, and immigrant rights."  They say that "systemic poverty and institutional racism" runs deep in our communities.

Anyone who received the endorsement of The Nashville Justice League needs to be defeated. If you have to opportunity to vote against any of the above candidates, please do so. Encourage others to do so.

To see my list of endorsed candidates, please see, My endorsements for the Mayoral and Council races.

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