Monday, July 17, 2023

Report from the Davidson County Republican Party Picnic

by Rod Williams, July 15, 2023- Davidson County Republicans held their annual picnic today in a grassy cove on the banks of the Little Harpeth River in Percy Warner Park at "Shelter 6." Actually, shelter 6 is two rustic shelters.  One served as the entertainment and speaker shelter and the other the dining shelter. 

Attendees heard live musical performances provided by Baste Records artists and speeches by elected officials and candidates. We enjoyed generous portions of a delicious barbeque and the sides and iced tea and a shaved ice desert, sort of like a snow cone, but better.

I called this the "annual" picnic but sometimes it doesn't happen. It is almost an annual picnic. The party skipped a couple years due to Covid and some years it just doesn't happen, but it is mostly annual. 

Council Member at-large candidate
Gilbert Ramirez, Tony Roberts and (me)
Rod Williams
The event took place from 10AM till 2PM and it looked like it might be marred by rain, but the rain tapered off and then ended about 11:30 and it turned out to be a nice cool cloudy day. With this hot weather we have been having, the cooler temperatures were welcome. 

Congressman Mark Green

It is hard to say how many people were in attendance because the crowd was moving around and there was some turnover of the crowd. Some people arrived early and left early and other arrived late. I would say at the midpoint of the event about 130 people were there but all together maybe 200 attended. 

The event included a straw poll. No surprise, the winner of the presidential straw poll was Donald Trump who got more votes than all of the other candidates combined and more than twice as many votes as his closest rival Ron DeSantis. 

Elected officials addressing the crowd included U. S. Congressmen Mark Green, Andy Ogles, and John Rose who all represent portions of Davidson County.  

Gene Wisdom and Rod Williams
I always enjoy hearing from Mark Green. While all politicians can get rhetorical, when you listen to Mark Green, you actually learn something. He explained why the bill raising the debt ceiling was the best that could be had and why he voted for it. He also explained the objectives and the strategy involved in House's hearing with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and the investigation of crisis at the border. Mark Green lays things out in a 1-2-3 rational fashion.

Alice Rolli and Natisha Brooks candidates for mayor addressed the group as did several candidates for Council Member at-large.

Former DCRP Chair Jim Garrett and Council Member at-large
candidate Stephen Downs

I really enjoyed getting to see people I had not seen in a while, and I met a lot of new people. It was an fun event. Despite Davidson County being a Democrat strong-hold in Tennessee, Davidson County Republicans are alive and well and kicking and eternally optimistic. 

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