Thursday, August 24, 2023

Alice Rolli "Get out the vote" Party, tonight, East Ivy Mansion

Thursday August 31
6 - 7 pm Reception
7 - 9 pm Concert

East Ivy Mansion
209 S 5th St, 
Nashville, TN 37206

valet parking will be available

A contribution of $500 is suggested for the reception, please let us know if a prior contribution should count towards the event.
The 7 - 9 pm concert is open to all. 

Corporate contributions of up to $1000 are permitted. The maximum individual contribution is $1800 per person, per election. 
RSVP to Stephanie Johnson 
Text: 615.314.0691 
or email 

This is tonight, August 31, 2023. I'm going. I know $500 is steep for some, but if you have already contributed, previous contributions can count toward the $500. The East Ivy Mansion is a nice venue for an event, if you have never been there. 

This race is winnable! Alice is the mayor we need. On crime, affordable housing, education, transit and development and a "no tax" pledge she is right on all of the issues. Join me tonight and put Alice Rolli over the top. 

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