Thursday, August 31, 2023

Nashville Banner Mayoral Interview: Alice Rolli

Alice Rolli talks with the Nashville Banner's Demetria Kalodimos ahead of the Sept. 14 runoff election for Nashville mayor. 

[Interview transcript]

Well, I was thumbing through the Hume-Fogg Yearbook. 

Oh, good! 

Tell me, tell me about Alice in high school. 

Yeah, well, Alice in high school was two blocks away from here. Gosh, I guess I got there in 1993. Nashville downtown was a really different place. There was a little corner market there. The Classic Cat was behind us. You remember that? But Alice in high school, I was on the track and the cross country team. I was the manager of the girls basketball team. I was on the math club and the computer science team. I went away in high school for a year and was a page in the United States Congress, came back and got to serve as the chief justice of our student court. So yeah, Alice in high school, and actually part of this campaign has been so great, one of my former teachers and basketball coach, retired teacher, near the beginning of the campaign sent me $1,800. And I called him and I was like, ‘Coach, what are you doing?’ And he said, ‘I feel like if anyone can fix this, if anyone can bring people together, it’s you and we are all in.’ And when your former teachers, the former principal of the school, Dr Whitefield, her daughter contacted me after watching a show and said, ‘We’re so excited you’re running.’ So I’ve gotten actually a couple little high school memories here. It’s been a lot of fun. 

Was teaching your first job? (Read more)

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1 comment:

  1. A thoughtful way of approaching issues. Using her business background in a faith based Fight for the people of Nashville
