Tuesday, August 01, 2023

U. S. Rep. Andy Ogles (TN-5th) votes to abandon Ukraine in its war for survival

Andy Ogles
R, TN- 5th
by Rod Williams, August 1, 2023- U.S. Rep. Tim Burchett of Knoxville (TN 2nd Congressional District) and U. S. Representative Andy Ogles (TN 5th Congressional District) both voted in favor of an amendment, by Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, to the recently passed national defense appropriations bill that would have cut all funding for Ukraine. The vote failed by a vote of 70 in favor of the cut and 358 opposed. 

Ogles, in addition, proposed an amendment to cut off lend-lease authority for Ukraine. That amendment failed by a vote of 71 in favor and 360 opposed to the amendmentGeorgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene proposed an amendment to strip $300 million in aid to Ukraine. It failed by 341-89.  Again, Ogles and Burchett voted for the cut to aid and this time they were joined by Diana Harshbarger of Tennessee's 1st Congressional District. 

The vast majority of Congress from both parties voted to support Ukraine and oppose Russian leader Vladimir Putin. However, all of the votes for cutting aid to Ukraine came from Republicans. It is hard for me to see how anyone would vote to help Putin achieve his objective of destroying Ukraine. 

Diana Harshbarger
R, TN- 1st

Tim Burchett 
R, TN- 2nd
While in the full House, 70% Republicans still opposed the first two amendments mentioned above and 60% opposed the Marjorie Taylor Green Amendment this is concerning. On this issue, the Democrats were unanimous in standing by Ukraine. Three of Tennessee's eight Republicans want to throw Ukraine to the wolves. 

All of my life as I have observed politics, it was Democrats who were the party of all-we-are-saying-is-give-peace-a-chance, peace-at-any-price, unilateral disarmament. Most appropriation bills were bipartisan, but when there was an "anti-war" vote it came from a Democrat. Now, if there is an "anti-war" vote or an "American First" vote you can count on it coming from a Republican.

When three of our eight Republican Representatives vote to surrender to Russian aggression, I cannot automatically assume Republican is the way to vote.  I am regretting my support for Andy Ogles and can no longer depend on the Republican label to inform by voting decisions. 

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1 comment:

  1. Although I agree that Ogles is a conservative it seems to me he is in the MTG-kooky category.
