Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Rep. Andy Ogles has a Telephone Town Hall tomorrow, Sept. 27th.


by Rod Williams, Sept. 26, 2023- Andy Ogles has a telephone town hall tomorrow night and has as his special guest Rep. Chip Roy. Roy, like Ogles, is a member of the Freedom Caucus. 

There are some people I admire and respect who are members of that group of House Representatives such as my own congressman, Mark Green. Overall, however, my favorable view of the Freedom Caucus has waned. At one time I viewed the Freedom Caucus quite favorably.  They were the most conservative members of the House and committed to less government and lower taxes and other core values I share. More and more however, I am viewing the Freedom Caucus less and less favorably.  For one thing, they simply seem obstructionist, members of that caucus include Republicans who still think the 2022 election was stolen and are loyal to Donald Trump, and the leading Republican House nut-jobs, such as Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert are members of the group.  Also, the leading opponents of aid to Ukraine are members of this group. 

Roy Chip is not a Republican Congressman I view favorably. He appears crude and bombastic and has a potty mouth, and he is opposed to providing funding to Ukraine

I will be unable to join the Town Hall tomorrow night, but I hope someone will listen in and report on it. I would hope Ogles would make a recording or transcript available. I am curious is Ogles will allow unfiltered questions during the town hall or if only on-topic questions will be permitted and I wonder if questioners will be screened. 

By the way, was there ever a satisfactory explanation to the questions raised about Andy Ogles misusing money raised as a memorial for still born babies?

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