Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Rep. Tim Burchett alleges Kevin McCarthy punched him in the kidneys and Burchett insults McCarthy.

by Rod Williams, Nov. 15, 2023- I don't what to believe about this exactly, but I find it hard to believe
that Kevin McCarthy actually punched Rep. Tim Burchett in the kidneys. Did it happen at all? Was Burchett accidently bumped into and thought it was McCarthy and magnified an accidental bump into a blow to the kidneys? I have no way of knowing but am not buying it as alleged by Burchett. 

Not only did Burchett make the allegation but then insulted McCarty, saying, "He's the type of guy that when you're a kid would throw a rock over the fence and run home and hide behind his momma's skirt."

This is embarrassing. This makes Republicans look like clowns, and unfortunately the perception is often justified. Tim Burchett is becoming one of my least favorite Tennessee Republican representatives. 

To watch the CNN video, click on the picture. 

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