Saturday, November 04, 2023

Liberty on the Rocks Date Moved to 3rd Tuesday

The Nashville LOTR has been meeting in Nashville for over a decade. 

The purpose of Liberty on the Rocks is to gather liberty-loving individuals regardless of any political leaning in the pubs and restaurants to keep the conversation going. Meetings are suitable for drinkers and non-drinkers alike. Come enjoy great discussion with others who endeavor to limit the reach of government into our personal lives and further the cause of liberty. 

South Side Kitchen and Pub
2190 Nolensville Pk unit a
Nashville, TN 37211

Next meeting Tuesday. November 21, 2023, 5:30 PM, 


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Nashville Republican Women welcome Michael Knowles as Nov. 8th luncheon speaker.

The Nashville Republican Women are proud to welcome conservative writer and commentator Michael Knowles as the special guest for their November 8th luncheon. Tickets are $35 each. The meeting will be held at Hillwood Country Club (6201 Hickory Valley Road). Reserve your seat HERE.

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Veterans Day, Sat. Nov. 11, Republicans gather at Kid Rock's

 Veterans Day

Saturday, November 11

Honor those who served and gather with fellow Republicans at Kid Rock's Big Ass Honky Tonk on Broadway to watch the Downtown Veterans Day Parade, which starts at 11am.

RSVP here.

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Mark Green's Old Fashioned Fish Fry, Sat. Nov. 18

 Saturday, November 18

U.S. Congressman Mark Green hopes that you and yours will come out to his Old Fashioned Fish Fry in Franklin. The low-cost event will be a salute to our veterans, and veterans attend for free! Join the Congressman for a day of patriotic fellowship and Southern hospitality!

Date and time:

Saturday, November 18 · 5:30 - 7:30pm CST


Willis Johnson's Car Barn

1301 Moran Rd. Franklin, TN 37069

RSVP here.

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Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Nashville launches committee to explore taxpayer funding on East Bank

By Jon Styf, The Center Square,  Oct 30, 2023 – Nashville’s Metro Council plans to continue to keep close tabs on East Bank public spending with a new ad hoc East Bank Committee.

The group will build on work done last council term by Metro Nashville’s East Bank Stadium Committee, then led by at-large Council Member Bob Mendes, who is now part of Mayor Freddie O’Connell’s development team.

The new committee will be chaired by District 5 Council Member Sean Parker after it was called by Vice Mayor Angie Emery Henderson. Both Parker and Henderson were skeptics of the deal put together for more than $1.2 billion in public funding for the construction of a new $2.1 billion Titans stadium that includes a projected $3.1 billion tax capture during the life of a new stadium lease.

Both Parker and Henderson voted against the deal, along with O’Connell.

“The stadium subsidy is a settled matter, but now we must ensure that our investments on the East Bank are strategic and benefit the city as a whole,” Parker said. “We’ve heard loud and clear that Nashvillians don’t want to just expand the downtown party district across the river. I am committed to conducting a transparent and collaborative process with the administration, the council, and the public, including engagement with communities most impacted by the project.”

A development proposal from Fallon shows the city bonding $75 million for infrastructure at the site of a development outside the new stadium.

The committee’s first meeting will take place at 4:30 p.m. on Nov. 8.

Other committee members include” At-Large Council Member Quin Evans Segall, District 2 Council Member Kyonzté Toombs, District 6 Council Member Clay Capp, District 15 Council Member Jeff Gregg, District 17 Council Member Terry Vo and District 19 Council Member Jacob Kupin.

“This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for our city, and I am committed to incorporating affordable living and a multi-modal transportation network that will make the East Bank a neighborhood that all of Nashville can be proud of and enjoy for generations,” said Kupin, who represents the area that includes the East Bank.

The state already committed $200 million for the relocation of the Tennessee Performing Arts Center to Nashville’s East Bank and a $65 million incentive for Oracle’s new $1.35 billion campus nearby.

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Republicans’ Moment of Choosing

The GOP can be the party with integrity and a relentless commitment to telling hard truths, or we can be the party that gives in to fanciful lies.

By KEN BUCK, NR Plus, November 1, 2023 - The United States is on a collision course with reality. Our skyrocketing national debt and the impending insolvency of Medicare and Social Security are just a few of the crises on the horizon. Washington, D.C., is ill equipped to address these problems, however. The political culture, captivated by social media’s instant gratification, almost exclusively pursues short-term victories, ignoring long-term problems.

Difficult problems require serious solutions, of course, but they also require a willingness to tell hard truths. And neither party in Washington is willing to tell the truth to the American people these days.

Democrats, for their part, have spent decades promoting falsehoods about the consequences of our spending policies, expanding the role of the federal government and about the fragile state of Social Security and Medicare. They are committed to big spending — not to the truth.

Meanwhile, Washington Republicans have been too busy rewriting history to be bothered with tackling our nation’s problems. (Continue reading)

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Bastiat Society, Nov. 2nd, "Property Rights, Economic Liberty, and the Constitution" with Wen Fa

 AIER's Bastiat Society of Nashville invites you to join us next week on Thursday at 6:00pm for an event with Wen Fa, Director of Legal Affairs at the Beacon Center of Tennessee.

The famous words etched in the declaration of independence recognize that individuals have the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Today, however, many government barriers prevent individuals from earning a living and using their property how they see fit. Wen has represented numerous Americans free-of-charge in courts across the country. He will discuss the importance of economic liberty and property rights, government barriers that stand in the way, and how Americans can fight back.

The Bastiat Society of Nashville's speaker series is co-sponsored by The Beacon Center of Tennessee & The Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) (affiliated with Middle Tennessee State University). Our financial sponsor who makes it possible for us to meet at the Richland Country Club is Richard Ina, AAMS® - NewEdge Wealth. These sponsorships do not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the speakers' positions on the issues discussed.

Ticket Prices:

$0 for Founding Members
$10 for Annual Members
$20 for Non-Members
$0 for Actively enrolled university students who register with a .edu email address. Those who register with a non- .edu email address will be unregistered and asked to purchase tickets at full price.

Registration Required: Let us know if you're coming.. Register Here. 

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Bellevue Breakfast Club guest speaker Sheriff Daron Hall, Sat. Nov. 4

 From Lonnie Spivak:

Greetings Breakfast Club Members,

We are entering the holiday season with a bang, as we get ready for Thanksgiving and the Christmas seasons. The election year is already underway as candidates start to pull petitions for the March primary, which includes Presidential Preference and county primaries (Learn More). Hopefully, I will be able to introduce you to some more great candidates as things really start to heat up.

This month, we are breaking from tradition a bit, as we invite Davidson County Sheriff, Daron Hall to join the club. He will give us an update on how his office interacts with MNPD, and how things are going with our jails. He is an old friend, and I am sure this will be one you won't want to miss. We will meet at 8:30 am at our usual location, Plantation Pub. Located at 8321 Sawyer Brown Road. 

I hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween, and I'll see you next month.

Lonnie Spivak, Chairman
Davidson County Republican Party

Daron Hall was elected to his sixth term as Davidson County sheriff in 2022. He made Nashville history by being the youngest person ever elected to the office and the longest serving. Sheriff Hall has made arresting the problem, not the person, a focus. He designed and implemented the first-of-its-kind Behavioral Care Center, a diversion program aimed at decriminalizing mental illness.

Sheriff Hall was elected as president of two national associations. The only Tennessee sheriff to serve as president of the National Sheriffs’ Association. He was also elected the 101st president of the American Correctional Association. Hall has won numerous awards including the prestigious E. R. Cass Award – the highest honor given in the corrections profession.

After 35 years of criminal justice experience, Sheriff Hall is seen as an expert in the field. He has been interviewed by national and international media outlets including the Wall Street Journal, the British Broadcasting Corporation, NPR, the New York Times, Fox News, CNN, and Fortune Magazine.

Copyright © 2023 Breakfast Club, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Breakfast Club
8329 Sawyer Brown Rd
nashvilleTN 37221

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Mayor Freddie O’Connell, Metro Legal release statements regarding the Court’s ruling on the Metro Nashville Airport Authority

Metro Press Release, October 31, 2023 - Today, a three-judge panel ruled in favor of Metro Nashville in its lawsuit against legislation targeting the Metro Nashville Airport Authority.

From Mayor Freddie O’Connell: “For decades, the MNAA board has been led by some of Nashville’s most prominent business leaders, aviators and engineers. Their decisions show a history of bi-partisan decision-making reflecting a professional board functioning at the highest level. Under the direction of these Nashville leaders, BNA has grown to meet the rapidly expanding needs of our city for today and the future. I look forward to the reinstatement of the locally appointed board.”

From Department of Law Director Wally Dietz: “MNAA is an agency and instrumentality of the Metropolitan Government. The ruling today reinforces Metro’s right to maintain and control the airport authority. Three different three-judge panels have now protected local governments from unconstitutional state overreach. This panel was well-prepared for the argument, and we are grateful the Court carefully considered the legal issues raised.”


Old airport authority board reinstated after appeals court rules against state law

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Former Nashville Mayor Megan Barry is actively exploring a run for Congress against Mark Green

Nashville Banner, November 1, 2023 - Former Nashville Mayor Megan Barry is actively exploring a run for Congress.

According to three independent sources, Barry is considering a race against Rep. Mark Green (R-Clarksville) for the 7th District seat. Barry, who resigned in 2018 in the wake of an affair with her security chief, has remained popular among Nashville voters even after she left office.

On Tuesday evening, Barry confirmed her interest to the Banner.

“Mark Green has been missing in action as rural hospitals close, the opioid crisis continues to tear families apart, he actively supports an extreme ban on abortion, and Congress does nothing about gun violence,” Barry said. “So yes, I have been urged by many people in our community to run and I am actively considering it. I don’t have a definitive timeline, but I will soon.” (Read More)

Former Nashville Mayor Megan Barry weighing run for Congress

The Tennessean, Nov. 1, 2023- ... She resigned from the office in 2018 after pleading guilty to felony theft related to a nearly two-year affair with a former police bodyguard, Sgt. Rob Forrest. Barry was sentenced to three years of unsupervised probation and agreed to reimburse the city for $11,000 in unlawful expenses. After completing three years of successful probation, the charge was expunged from Barry's record in 2021. .... 

Green is a physician and retired U.S. Army major, and was elected to Congress in 2018. He is currently chair of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee. He is an outspoken advocate of U.S.-Mexican border security, and military and veterans issues.

Green won reelection last year in the newly drawn 7th Congressional District, which includes parts of North Nashville and northwestern Davidson County, defeating progressive Nashville organizer Odessa Kelly 60% to 38%. (Read more)

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Monday, October 30, 2023

Meet the Mayor, this Saturday, Nov. 4th

by Rod Williams, Oct, 30, 2023- The below comes from Neighbors 2 Neighbors. For those interested in having a greater impact on Nashville policies, or simply being a better-informed citizen, this is a great opportunity to network and learn. 

We are pleased to announce that the Honorable Mayor Freddie O'Connell will be joining us for our Q4 Neighborhood Leadership Forum on Saturday, November 4th.

As with any new mayoral administration, it takes some time to work through all of the requests that flood the office following the inauguration. The Mayor's Office has been working with us to make this important meeting happen. We apologize not being able to get word out sooner. Here are the things you need to know:

WHAT: Q4 Neighborhood Leadership Forum

WHEN: Saturday, November 4, 2023, 9:30 am - 11:30 am

WHERE: North Police Precinct, 2231 26th Avenue North, Nashville, TN 37208

WHY: The purpose of the Neighborhood Leadership Forum is to provide an opportunity for the participants to get to know each other, discuss issues relevant to local neighborhoods, and provide feedback and recommendations to the Mayor’s Office. 

WHO: Residents / Neighborhood Leaders, Elected Officials and Staff from Government Agencies, Other Neighborhood Stakeholders

REGISTRATION: Advance Registration is Required

COST: Thanks to a recent grant from the Metropolitan Council, residents of Metropolitan Nashville and Davidson County may attend the event at no cost.

However, documentation of residency must be presented at check-in. You may present one (1) of the following: a recent utility bill; voter's registration card; driver's license or other government issued-ID; current record from a school showing address; affidavit by landlord; or affidavit by a nonprofit treatment, shelter, half-way house, or homeless assistance entity located within Davidson County. This is a requirement of the funding.

Register Here 

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God Bless Mike Pence

by Rod Williams, Oct 30, 2023- I believe that when enough time as passed for historians to write the history of this era, Mike Pense will be honored and remembered as a hero who saved American Democracy. Mike Pense showed loyalty to the nation and the constitution over loyalty to Donald Trump.  He refused to participate in a scheme to prevent the certification of the results of the election. He was unwilling to bend to Trump's will. Mike Pense prevented the coup. 

He first prevented the coup by refusing to reject the real slate of electors in favor of fake electors.  Then when the January 6th mob attacked the Capitol and Representatives had to shelter in the basement, he refused to adjourn Congress and send the representatives home before the election had been certified. To do so would have given the Trump machine opportunities to pressure states to decertify their election, recount, and "find" votes for Trump.  There were enough people cooperating with the Trump coup attempt that if not for Mike Pense, Trump's coup could have succeeded. 

On Saturday, Mike Pense unexpectantly suspended his campaign, making the announcement while speaking before the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual conference in Las Vegas. I am disappointed but I understand.  He was gaining no traction. It looked like he would fail to reach the 70,000 individual donor threshold necessary to participate in the November 8th Republican presidential debate in Miami and his campaign was deeply in debt. With polling in the single digits there was no point in continuing. 

In making his announcement, Pence said:

After much prayer and deliberation, I have decided to suspend my campaign for president. Let me promise you I will never leave the fight for conservative values, and I will never stop fighting to elect principled Republican leaders to every office in the land, so help me God.

We always knew this would be an uphill battle, but I have no regrets. The only thing that would have been harder than coming up short would have been if we’d never tried at all.

I urge all my fellow Republicans here to give our country a Republican standard-bearer that will, as Lincoln said, appeal to the better angels of our nature, and not only lead us to victory but lead our nation with civility back to the time-honored principles that have always made America strong and prosperous and free.

We are fortunate to have had a man like Mike Pence serving as vice president when his country needed him.  A person of less character would have folded. Thank God for Mike Pence. May God bless him. 

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