Friday, April 26, 2024

Tennessee Lawmakers Pass Bill to Criminalize Adults Who Help Minors Obtain Gender-Transition Services

 By BRITTANY BERNSTEIN, National Review, April 25, 2024 - The legislation would penalize any “adult who recruits, harbors, or transports an unemancipated minor” in Tennessee “for the purpose of receiving a prohibited medical procedure that is for the purpose of enabling the minor to identify with, or live as, a purported identity inconsistent with the minor’s sex or treating purported discomfort or distress from a discordance between the minor’s sex and asserted identity, regardless of where the medical procedure is to be procured.”

Violations would be charged as a Class C felony. Individuals found guilty of breaking the law could face three to 15 years of prison time and fines of up to $10,000. The measure also “authorizes a person who violates this amendment to be held liable in a civil action for such violation.”

Actions that violate the bill, S.B. 2782, would include talking to adolescents about a website where they can find information on where to access gender-transition services or helping a minor travel outside the state to receive such services.

The bill will now make its way to Governor Bill Lee’s desk for final approval. While Lee hasn’t publicly shared his position on the bill, he previously signed the state’s ban on gender-transition treatment for children. (read more)

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