Thursday, June 13, 2024

Courtney Johnston Endorsed by Nashville Fire Fighters

 Courtney Johnston
Nashville, Tenn. – Today, Conservative Metro Councilwoman Courtney Johnston was endorsed for the 5th Congressional District by the Nashville Fire Fighters & Fire Service Employees Association IAFF Local 140.

Johnston said, "I am proud to be endorsed by the Nashville Firefighters Association IAFF Local 140. When I first ran for Metro Council, public safety was my top priority–it still is. In Congress, I will continue to fight for those on the front lines of keeping us safe."

About Courtney Johnston:

Before serving on the Council, Johnston was a small business owner who took on the bureaucracy and ran against an incumbent after her home was broken into. She saw first-hand the need for better representation, crime reduction, and fiscal responsibility.

During her first term on Metro Council, Johnston fought to fully fund law enforcement, voted against property tax hikes, and delivered real results for her district. As an experienced small business owner, she’s a political outsider who wants to drain the swamp and get rid of career politicians.

For more information about Courtney and her campaign, please visit

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