Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Metro Nashville Public Schools show Significant TCAP Achievement and EOC Assessment Improvements.

by Rod Williams, June 25, 2024-
Metro Nashville Public Schools have improved since last year. The improvement is across all grade levels and subject areas. That is good news. We may not compare well to Williamson County and some other districts, but according to the most recent TCAP (Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program) test results and EOC (End-of-Course (EOC) assessments, Metro Nashville Public Schools are outperforming the statewide average scores. 

I have not done a deep dive on the data but from prior examinations of data in other years, there are some very poorly performing schools and some very high performing schools in Nashville. There is probably a greater gap between bad and best in Nashville than in a county with a more homogenous demographic. 

I do not know the reason for the improvement. I have witnessed no major changes in policy that would explain it. One factor may be that as Nashville attracts higher income people who move to Nashville, the change in demographics contributes to better educational outcomes. Whatever the explanation, this is welcome news and reason to celebrate.

For the MNPS report on the data follow this link

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